I am 15 minutes away from being 18!

So this is my last post as a seventeen year old teen whom can relate to ABBA's Dancing Queen. Whom can read seventeen magazine and feel like all is perfect. Whom can say "I'm still a kid!" when things went awry.

I just want to say I'm quite sad to not be able to celebrate as last year (sizable party) due to financial restriction and coz the people I'm close with here is basically my housemates. This will be my 18th birthday! My first step into adulthood. Yet, I'm here, living independently, like I'm already an adult...

I care so much about birthdays, especially significant ones like 18th birthday! But, blame me for my bad spending habit, I won't be able to eat out at a fancy restaurant or go to have sweet delicacies. I only have 20% of my monthly expenses now and it's only been 10 days since mommy wire me the money... Now I'll have to limit myself to a maximum of RM10 per day to see myself through a minimum of 15 days... Oh boy...

Okay than, I guess I don't have much to say. Um, maybe I can make a few birthday wishes?

Birthday Wishes
1. I'll curb my spending habit.
2. I'll pick up all things fast and be a 4.0 GPA student.
3. I'll be forever fit and happy.
4. My zits all over my face (and back oops!) will vanish.
5. I'll be fairer and fairer.
6. I'll get more friends.
7. I'll be better and better in basketball.
8. I'll be granted a scholarship.

Okay goodbye seventeen year old me!!!! I'll miss you!!!!!! I'll miss being a kiddo! I'll miss not being able to open my own bank account! I'll miss everything about non-adult life!

I'm sad.
