Trimester 2 so far

I am drowning!!!! There's just soooo many things needed to be done and it's all so exhilarating! I'll be entering week 5 tomorrow and I still have no idea what I learned this new trimester! My brain is still quite blank and I really am afraid of failing!!!

Anyhow, I still do write To-Do List daily and I still use calendars to keep track of the tasks I have to perform. But atm I just write my lists in a random book which I merge with my business notes. Note to self: Get an Agenda or Planner! I actually planned to get it when I was in KL but it's quite expensive and I don't really feel like shelling money out just for that, but now, at this moment, I feel like I actually do need it! Printing out calendars is still okay but the problem is that the calendar is not with my to-dos, and it's quite troublesome to bring the calendar out since it's just a flimsy piece of paper and gets crumpled easily...

Syariah Law feels quite simple but is actually not. I really do have to study for it...

Business too...

And so is Accounting...

Also Criminal and Constitutional Law...

And Politics and Governance...

Essential English is still okay I guess...

I'm not only targeting for a pass, I want As! But to be honest, I really do enjoy reading law :) It's interesting really. If only I have the time sigh~

Well strictly speaking, I actually do have time, but during my free time I'm mostly worn out and tired and not feeling like studying. HAVE TO SNAP OUT OF IT!!!! I remember last Trimester I studied every single day when I'm free coz I have lots of time at hand since I'm initially not involved in any clubs or societies, and it makes me feel very productive. This sem, ......

Well! Same as my fitness progress, I HAVE to start being studious again! Studyblr is not really working for me anymore so I can't depend on it!

Think I'll have to print out or write down my Life Goals and put it up on my wall just so I can remind myself to do it.