My 2014 New Year Resolutions


So school's super boring!! The only good thing about it is i get to see my friends and we can talk and talk haha.

Anyway i did say i will post about my 2014 New Year Resolution right? So here goes!!

©©©© My 2014 New Year Resolution ©©©©

Lemme break it down for ya!

1. I NEED to get 9As ++ in SPM coz I NEED a scholarship for A-levels so that i won't burden my parents with the rocketing Course Fee... OMG seriously i cannot believe that ATC A-levels course fee is increased by RM3000!!! Last year it's only 9000+, but now it's 12000+ wtf??!!!!! Sigh!! Now i really really really need to buck up and study extra extra extra hard!!! Big Sigh!!

2. Skip Tuition = Cannot catch up = No As in SPM = No scholarship = Big burden for parents = Sad me :(

3. Coz after I am baptised in 2013, i skipped church services most of the time hehe *embarrassed

4. So i can have beautiful, flawless skin!!! I know i'm not pretty and i cannot do anything about it, BUT my can make my skin real good and perfect, and that can make up for my flawed appearances muahaha.

5. Hot bodeehh, and strong arms, and healthy body, and smart mind!! ooohhh I can smell *ehem* Beauty and brains!! HAHAHAHAHA

6. It kinda explains itself.

7. Coz i don't want to get myself into the messy world of Relationshit. And I'm also too busy coz i need to study and focus on myself hohoho.

8. This post doesn't count coz i posted in in 2013!! Hehehe this year i shall be a good girl.

9. Yep. I need to stop. 

10. To get ready for my COLLEGE LIFE OH YEAH!

11. Translation: Spendings on Fashion & Beauty are limited to RM50 per three months. This is to reduce carbon footprint and my once-upon-a-time-big spendings on stupid not-much-use stuffs. And also for college hehe.

12. I DO NOT WANT TO JOIN KEMAMPIN! And I don't like to have any responsibilities and exceptions by others.

13. LOL I don't know what more to put, so i wrote that down hahaha.

Actually when i finished this resolutions list right, I thought about posting it on my IG and caption "13 Resolutions to end 2013" *lame. But then i think it kinda sound cheesy so i ended up not sharing it hehehe.

I have a feeling that 2014 will be a good year although i do have mixed feelings as i step into it. 

I felt sad coz i'm now no longer 16 and i never had my Sweet Sixteen. Plus, this means i'm older and next year i will be leaving home and set off to college in far far away new place- KL. I know i will miss my mom and dad and baby brother :( AND AND AND I will be alone in a foreign place and i will have to learn how to manage my own money and how to navigate through the big city ALL BY MYSELF.

On the other hand, i do feel happy about coming in 2014 as this is my last year of high school. I am sooo done with high school to be honest. I just dislike my school and teachers and even classmates more and more! I don't want to be like this, but i just can't help it. I HATE school so much!!! I hate seeing those people who are so fake and judgemental and biased but i have to keep on being friendly towards them coz i've always been. And you know how people will be like if you suddenly change your attitude... So yeah, I'm super happy about ending High School and SPM!! This will be the last paragraph for my current life chapter!!!

And next year.......... *happy sigh* wtf

That's all i guess! Am now watching The Carrie Diaries OMG it's so good i'm obssesed! I can now understand all those hypes about this show in those fashion columns! Thank you Flenny for recommending this!!

So these are my 2014 New Year Resolution! What's yours? :)

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