17 Honest Truth

This 30th June, I will be turning 17. So, in conjunction to that, I came up with a list of 17 truths about me.

1. I'm an introvert by heart.

2. I am actually embarrassed of my knowledge.

3. I felt self conscious about being ambitious.

4. I love chocolates so much.

5. I have bacnes.

6. I have never been into any serious relationship my whole life.

7. I am saving my first love for someone I can see my future with.

8. I like the smart and quiet type of guys.

9. A lot of times I pretend to be bimbotic just so people won't say I'm obnoxious/ overconfident/ bitchy.

10. I have an obsession with making lists. Shopping list, to-do list... The list goes on!!

11. I have a strange fear for throwing parties.

12. I don't "feel" much, I just say stuffs I see and observed. Sans feelings.

13. I love the name Lea Audrey coz it sounds so French.

14. I wish to backpack travel the world with my future boyfriend before we get married.

15. I want to go on a girly shopping trip with my friends to Japan-Korea-Taiwan.

16. I secretly hope that my future partner will get a secret photographer/videographer to record his proposal to me.

17. I always over-analyze things.

An there you have it! You might love me better after this, or you might hate me. Whatever. But honestly, please don't hate me coz I am a people pleaser who wants everyone to love me.

So yeah bye.

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