I've always been a person of big dreams and plenty of goals. When I was younger, I dream really big- going to Oxbridge or Ivy League on scholarship; traveling the world anytime I want; working for big, important companies; owning a resort etc etc.
Then as I grew up, I slowly realized some things are harder to achieve given my circumstances
(Chinese in Malaysia with higher competition among non-bumiputras for scholarships, from a rural area far from the major cities, middle-income family, no connections to people who are able to pull strings). I suppose the main obstacle is finance, as my parents have just enough to fend for me and my 3 siblings. So gradually, I realized that I have to adjust my dreams and goals to fit my reality. I don't cancel most of them- I just adjust or extend the timeline.
But here I am now, almost 21, with not much going on in life, so I thought (back in January 2018) that perhaps this year, I will really take action and do the things I want to do. Whatever obstacles there is or would be, I will just take the best route to overcome it. So, this time, I wrote down some goals to be achieved before I turn 21 on 30 June 2018.
I write plenty of goals everytime, but this one I intend to take action to fulfill.
Here's the list:
- Travel Thailand solo.
- Save up RM200 every month.
- Have allergy under control.
- Have minimal acne and bacne.
- Be fit.
- CGPA of 3.70 and above.
So far, I've been doing a pretty good progress. I've already booked my return flights to Bangkok; my allergy is pretty okay; my acne and bacne are reducing and my skin appearing better and better (thanks to certain products which I will talk more about in another blog post); I've been working out regularly, not as often as I used to during High School, but still a good progress; and I have, at the moment, a 3.70 CGPA, which I hope will increase from this sem.
It's going pretty well so I hope it will continue to grow and develop better and better.
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